Best PFE/SFE CompetitionBest PFE/SFE CompetitionCALL FOR PARTCIPATION A competition targeting young graduates (2022 session and 2021 session) from Tunisian universities who have validated their end-of-study projects/internships in all technological specialties, particularly in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronic engineering, ..., for the graduation from:
who have succeeded in implementing an innovative solution that meets an industrial need or in developing prototypes or functional models during their end-of-study projects/internships. Interested young graduates are called upon to submit their applications from September 20 to October 15, 2022, online, via the link:
A dozen end-of-study projects will be pre-selected and exhibited on the sidelines of the International Conference on Innovative Materials, Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies (IMMAT’2022), which will be held face-to-face in Sousse. Successful candidates will be invited to participate on October 29, 2022 to exhibit their innovative solutions, prototypes, models, ... with support for the coffee break. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPLING Please pay particular attention to the following recommendations when completing the application form for the competition: The application must be justified by real images and/or video CALENDAR